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Stasdock Hang On - Wheel Strap
Stasdock Hang On - Wheel Strap
- Ihr Rad wird sich nicht mehr seitlich drehen.
Stasdock Wheel Strap
The perfect way to keep your wall white with the Stasdock Wheel strap. From now on you will be guaranteed that no wheel will ever touch your white wall again. Not only will it prevent your wheel from turning, it will also help during transport for example with the car. Your wheel won’t turn sideways anymore. It’s the perfect addition to your Stasdock.
- For Race Road, Gravel & MTB
- Easy to apply
- Save your clean wall
- An upgrade to your Stasdock
- Made in the world's cycling capital, the Netherlands
Handy Solution:
Be sure of a clean wall without tire prints, and easily transport your bike without your wheel wanting to to fall over? Then this wheel strap is your handy solution!
Dimensions | 40 x 2 x 1 cm | in 5,5 x 0,8 x 0,4 in |
Finish | Water resistant fabric |
Gwarancja Stasdock®
Gwarancja Stasdock®
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